[zz]Perl Poem
On my SUSE Linux, no Chinese IME. Learning perl, and below is something interesting about it:
#!/usr/bin/perl APPEAL: listen (please, please); open yourself, wide; join (you, me), connect (us,together), tell me. do something if distressed; @dawn, dance; @evening, sing; read (books,$poems,stories) until peaceful; study if able; write me if-you-please; sort your feelings, reset goals, seek (friends, family, anyone); do*not*die (like this) if sin abounds; keys (hidden), open (locks, doors), tell secrets; do not, I-beg-you, close them, yet. accept (yourself, changes), bind (grief, despair); require truth, goodness if-you-will, each moment; select (always), length(of-days) # listen (a perl poem) # Sharon Hopkins # rev. June 19, 1995
Perl as a programming language was not designed by a programmer but a linguist, its name"s the acronym of "Practical Extraction and Reporting Language". It"s quite different from C or C++ or Java or C# or most of "tranditional" programming language. I"ll say something about it and another interesting language, Python, when I got some experience with them.