
More details on The Economist typeface
The Economist has used a specially designed family of typefaces since May 1991. Development work focused specifically on how the new type family would respond to electronic transmission and different printing conditions at The Economist's seven international production sites. In our recent re-design a new typeface, Officina, was introduced for cover headlines and all navigational information. Ecotype, The Economist’s main typeface, was also redrawn to make it easier to read. If you would like to buy a copy of our type family, or if you would simply like to find out more about it, please go to Agfa Monotype's website.

很遗憾 Agfa Monotype 的站点上并无相关信息,至少我没找到。2001 年 Economist 由德国字体设计师 Erik Spiekermann 经手改版,相关介绍可以参见 daidala.com/30nov2003.h ,比较长,不过值得一读。摘录其中一段:
According to Erik Spiekermann, “The original Ecofont was designed by Gunnlaugur Briem, the only type designer from Iceland. I don’t know what that looked like anymore. Then a Mr Patel redid it, sometime in the late 80s. When I first saw The Economist, the type looked very uninviting. It was too tightly set, and there was too much noise in the letters, too much fuss. It all added to a very dense, grey page.” It is true – character collisions and near-misses abound, especially in the italic, and the letterforms themselves are dark and busy.

原发布于 https://www.zhihu.com/question/19707492/answer/12716736