Dwelling spirituality 与 seeking spirituality 如何翻译?
感谢邀请。大略搜了一下,上下文是Where is spirituality headed in the United States during the next century? Robert Wuthnow, professor of sociology at Princeton University and author of Sharing The Journey: Support Groups and America's New Quest for Community, believes that "a practice-oriented spirituality should be considered seriously as an alternative to dwelling and seeking spiritualities." The first model, dwelling spirituality, surfaced in the 1950s when the House of the Lord served as sacred space for family-centered religion. Now it has become a refuge for Christian fundamentalism and its crusade against secular culture. Seeking spirituality was hatched in the 1960s when individuals began to seek meaning outside religious institutions. It has continued into the 1980s and 1990s with a spirituality that explores healing and wholeness.http://www.spiritualityandpractice.com/books/books.php?id=1230 粗体是我加的。
Wuthnow believes that practice — "engaging intentionally in activities that deepen [one's] relationship to the sacred" — is the wave of the future given the complex, changing, and unpredictable environment of today's world.
- 住地取向灵性
- 追寻取向灵性
- 实用取向灵性
一点解释:spirituality 来自 spiritual,基督教所谓“属灵(的)”,与“属血肉”、“属世界”相对。Spirituality,也就是指非实体世界的、精神上的、超验的东西。在基督教语境下,这个词一般是“灵性”,这样能与基督教大部分与 spirit 相关的术语对应,“圣灵”、“属灵”、“灵修学”。
@Lawrence Li 的翻译避免了“灵性”的歧义,因为中文里“灵性”还可以指聪慧、巧妙的意思。但是,Dwelling spirituality 着重的是宗教行为的场地——在居民区的教堂里,“教会”则不仅仅包含教堂,更多地是指那个宗教组织;Seeking spirituality 则是指宗教行为发展到教堂之外,变为更加世俗性的、广义的活动,这个转变也是有教会参与的,故而“教外”不甚妥当。
原发布于 https://www.zhihu.com/question/19739914/answer/13368236