理想的入门型号是 125CC 到 250 CC 左右,骑几个月,然后逐步升级。想买新车的话,Kawasiaki Ninja 250 是许多摩托车爱好者的推荐入门款。关于此车可以参看这段视频:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GxMWbD-GdXw ,是一个在台湾的加拿大人拍摄的一系列摩托车 vlog 之一,废话有点多,可以直接跳到 1:30 左右听他发表对小排量摩托车的看法。
推荐阅读此文: http://www.chuckhawks.com/good_first_motorcycles.htm ,推荐了从 125CC 到 650CC 的许多摩托车。引用文中的一段话:
My opinion is that small to medium displacement (125-250cc) motorcycles are most appropriate for new riders. They are generally lighter and easier to maneuver, easier to balance, cheaper to repair if damaged in a spill and less likely to get the beginning rider into trouble. It might be worthwhile to pay attention to the seat height figures given for the motorcycles below, as it is reassuring for most inexperienced (and also experienced!) riders to be able to put both feet on the ground when stopped. Light weight is an advantage, as is a low center of gravity, particularly for low speed maneuvering.我目前骑一辆 750CCM 的 Kawasaki ZR-7,以后也没有购买超过 1000CC 的计划,反倒是想降档到 650CC 的 ER-6f,加速很好,动力充足,极速在 200km/h 左右,即便在不限速的德国也绝对足够了。
原发布于 https://www.zhihu.com/question/19801744/answer/13004908