

摘自维基百科数学哲学一条 [1]——
  • What are the sources of mathematical subject matter?
  • What is the ontological status of mathematical entities?
  • What does it mean to refer to a mathematical object?
  • What is the character of a mathematical proposition?
  • What is the relation between logic and mathematics?
  • What is the role of hermeneutics in mathematics?
  • What kinds of inquiry play a role in mathematics?
  • What are the objectives of mathematical inquiry?
  • What gives mathematics its hold on experience?
  • What are the human traits behind mathematics?
  • What is mathematical beauty?
  • What is the source and nature of mathematical truth?
  • What is the relationship between the abstract world of mathematics and the material universe?

如果你能爬完此文,相信你还是得不到答案,但至少你的思路会扩展很多。另外推荐两个牛人的两篇小文,应该也有帮助[2] [3]。

[1] en.wikipedia.org/wiki/P
[2] blog.farmostwood.net/62
[3] duane.upshine.net/
原发布于 https://www.zhihu.com/question/19925292/answer/13368970