We reject kings, presidents and voting.We believe in: rough consensus and running code.
–– David D. Clark
You can't take something off the Internet –– it's like taking pee out of a pool.
–– Anonymous
We will create a civilization of the mind in cyberspace. May it be more humane and fair, than the world your governments have made before.
–– A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace
Many web generations ago, the ARPA knights started a revolution against the telco circuit-switching empire and determined to destroy the death starts and their twisted pairs. I was one of those knights when our leader, Vint Cerf, Father of the Internet, crossed over to the telco side of the force. Cerf Vader and legions of imperial stormlawyers are now defending the death stars against the insignificant ISPwoks. The previous speaker in this forum series, the Father of the Web, Tim-Berners-Lee-Po -- who speaks over 6,000,000,000 dialects -- has been captured by Java the Hutt. You are Luke and Leia. The death stars must be destroyed, and I foresee it.
–– Bob Metcalfe
原发布于 https://www.zhihu.com/question/19981349/answer/13552143