为什么 iMessage 的 OS X 版本名字去掉了字母 i,只叫 Messages?为何不统一命名?
Messages 是一个 app,iMessage 是一种服务,两者是不一样的东西。苹果介绍 iOS 5 的文案写到[1]:-
"with iMessage, we've created a new messaging service for all iOS 5 users"[…] "iMessage is built into the Messages app";-
而介绍 10.8 的 Messages app 则是[2]:
"For starters, it comes with iMessage. […] Messages supports iMessage and instant messaging services such as AIM, Jabber, Google Talk, and Yahoo! Messenger“-
所以呢……如果说 iMessage 是短信,Messages app 则是手机,故此问题中的说法不成立。
[1] http://www.apple.com/ios/features.html#imessage
[2] http://www.apple.com/macosx/mountain-lion/features.html
原发布于 https://www.zhihu.com/question/20069122/answer/13871494