珠玉在前。对我来说,《刺客信条》是宣传队、是播种机,是及时雨、是指路灯,是娱乐性阴谋论的集大成者,是科幻与「武侠」的完美结合体,是比卢浮宫年票更超值的互动教科书。刺客信条与 Halo系列就是永久保有一台 Xbox 360 的全部理由。天马行空的历史剧情和叹为观止的古迹复原已经誉满全球,在此不赘。只说说现代刺客组织里面给我留下最深刻印象的人物:Shaun Hastings。
正妹 Lucy 莫名其妙挂掉之后,geek 妞 Rebecca 戏份不重,所以 Shaun 可算第一配角。游戏中他来自英国,曾经以 Guy Fawkes(英国十七世纪试图炸掉国会大厦上议院及国王的阴谋家)为化名,把 Abstergo 的阴谋挖出来公布给维基解密,导致 Abstergo 的绑架行动,刺客组织营救了他并拉他入伙,他也就由此成为团队的历史学家和分析师。Animus database 里面所有关于历史人物和建筑地标的描述都是由 Shaun 所写,而作为一个英式冷幽默大(dòu)师(bī),他的台词以及在许多数据库里的描述经常可以让人笑出声来。不在 Animus 里的时候我经常会让 Desmond 去找他对话,这个家伙总是可以将洞见以讽刺而直白的方式用英国腔调表达出来,在刺客组织所传承的庄严和神秘感衬托之下非常有意思。比如 III 之中这段关于美国独立战争的描述,尤其将国王与殖民者比作在餐馆吃饭的两方,简直是神来之笔:
Shaun Hastings: So this is how it started...
Desmond Miles: What are you up to?
Shaun Hastings: Just brushing up on my American history, I... I say history. They certainly teach you strange things in the States.
Desmond Miles: Like what?
Shaun Hastings: Well-for all the talk of this being a "revolutionary" war, it was more of a civil one. Well, not THAT kind of civil. I mean there was no America versus Britain. It was Brit on Brit action. And you can clearly see how the whole thing got started: One war gave birth to the other.
Desmond Miles: You mean the Seven Years War?
Shaun Hastings: Exactly. Seems the Crown overspent in its attempt to keep the French out. Wound up with a great deal of debt. Believing that the Colonists should help to shoulder the burden, new taxes were created. It was a reasonable request-even if Parliament was rather, well, undiplomatic about it.
Desmond Miles: It's not really fair to tax people for a war they didn't want any part of.
Shaun Hastings: What? Didn't want any part of? Did you not notice George Washington with Edward Braddock? He was right in the middle of it! So here you have the Crown spending who knows how much money to secure a place for the Colonists to thrive-and then when they ask for a little bit of help... Right, look, think of it this way. King George and the Colonists, they all go out to dinner, right. And when the bill comes, George asks them to kick in and pay their share. Fair enough! But keep in mind, his family's been taking them out to dinner gratis for decades now. But the Colonists, oh no, they insist they only had a glass of water and a side salad. Never mind the table is full of half-eaten food and empty bottles of wine. And then when the King points this out, what do the Colonists do? Oh! They flip the table over and storm out of the restaurant-probably intending to return later and burn it down.
Desmond Miles: You left out the part where the King pointed a gun at the Colonists and forced them to cover dinner for everyone at the restaurant.
Shaun Hastings: Riiight. Right, yeah. Interesting take. If he pulled out a gun-and it's not fair to say he did-it would only have been after the 100th failed attempt at getting them to pay their fair share.
Desmond Miles: But how do you define someone's fair share?
Shaun Hastings: With a war, apparently.
对于美国国父的讽刺也很值得一听。又比如 Lucy 被杀之后,Rebecca 问他还好吗?他答:
Sure, yeah, yeah, I'm fine, yeah. We're Assassins after all, aren't we, eh? Why should we be surprised if one of us dies every now and again?
原发布于 https://www.zhihu.com/question/23546055/answer/28265276