谢邀。这个说法流传好几年了,最开始看到这种说法总觉得是德国人在自 high[1],但后来 Wired 也撰文将柏林列为 Europe's hottest startup capitals 之一[2],而且专门的柏林新企业工作机会网站 Berlin Startup Jobs 直接在首页上写着「Marketplace For Inspiring Jobs In Europe's New Startup Capital」。可是我总认为说柏林是新硅谷应该无论如何过誉了。引用 BBC 的一段评论[3]:In a recent global ranking of cities with the most tech start-ups founded in the last 10 years which have gone global or received significant amounts of capital from the big funds, the top three spots were occupied by California's Silicon Valley, with 201 start-ups, New York (144) and London (90).我觉得班加罗尔和圣保罗这两个参照城市很妙,身处东德核心的柏林就像一个欧洲的第三世界大城市,能吸引创业者一方面是政策推动,另一方面也是因为城市有活力的同时却非常便宜。
Berlin had 27, just ahead of Bangalore on 26 and Sao Paulo on 21.
What Berlin may have is that indefinable quality which is an aptitude for innovation.
个人经历来看 IT 业界的确有许多人去柏林风投或被风投,本公司就正在接触一个。机会的确不少,但是相应地风险也大。具体到图像处理领域,由于目前创业的方向还是集中在电商和智能硬件,所以要依附于精密制造业的医学和工业领域的图像处理工作机会应该还是多数在南德。
[1] Start-up-Szene : Warum Berlin das nächste Silicon Valley wird
[2] Europe's hottest startup capitals: Berlin (Wired UK)
[3] BBC News - Next Silicon Valley? Berlin's battle to be a tech hub
原发布于 https://www.zhihu.com/question/24290583/answer/28781239