成为 cult 的东西总是容易过誉,ZAMM 可能也不例外。我想这本书机场文学的成分要大大多于其严肃哲学的成分,单看销量和知名度我打赌它远超里面提及的所有德国古典哲学家著作之合。朋友在我的鼓惑之下去伦敦某书店买它,店员闻言说「oh that motorcycle book!」,然后轻车熟路地从某个书架上面摸出来。刚去亚马逊一查,妈呀已经要出四十年纪念版了。但是反过来,主流哲学界不怎么讨论这本书,书中所谓 The Metaphysics of Quality(「关于良质的形而上学」?不知中文版怎样翻译)在 Metafilter 倒有不少讨论[1],基本能满足「如何评论」的发散阅读需求,大多数很温和,我摘录一条批评的:Obligatory Your Favourite Book Sucks comment:
Zen & the Art etc is one of very few books that I have stopped reading before the end, and it is almost certainly the only book I have actually thrown away (as opposed to keeping, selling or giving away). It went into the garbage. And when I say I stopped before the end, I am talking about ten pages before the end - I couldn't see the point in persisting for even the final ten.
It could be that I expected too much from it, due to its reputation. It might be that I had been studying too much “real” metaphysics. It might be that I had also been reading a heap of actual Zen literature (not that it really has anything to do with Zen). Maybe I was just in a bad mood. The overall effect, though, was that I just couldn’t see the appeal, at all. The prose was that of an airport novel, and the “philosophy” seemed about as profound as, say, Hermann Hesse. “Between the subjective & objective, there is a third element, Quality”. Spare me!
I think the only other book that I could put into the same class of grossly overrated, embarrassingly earnest pseudo-intellectual drivel would be The Dice Man.
I’m still keen, however, to find out what the fuck people see in the novel, so, yeh, thanks for the post & all the comments.
[1] The Metaphysics of Quality
原发布于 https://www.zhihu.com/question/24683399/answer/28665046