why does it matter?so the shooter is not a Chinese, so he's not on a f-1 visa, so he does not come from shanghai, so what?
does it matter where he comes from or what nationality he is? what could be more heart-wrenching than the fact that someone killed 31 and wounded 15 in less than 4 hours?
it saddens me to see - having already been shocked by the Virginia tech massacre - that some people would celebrate since the killer is not of their race. humanity was put to shame yesterday. is this really something to celebrate about?
it also amazes me the sensitivity and speed at which the incidence got related to visa complication. i understand, completely, having been through all the visa difficulty myself and i do know I'm at a privilege as i can always choose not to go back for the summer (even though i really really want to). BUT -
whoever is alive should realize how lucky they are. LIFE, and LIFE OF THOSE WHO ARE DEAR TO YOUR, are the most precious in the world. ALL ELSE ARE SECONDARY. think about the students who were young and hopeful but never got a chance to pursue their hope and passion anymore, (and no, it's not that they are denied one chance, EVERYTHING, for them, is GONE). think about the immense pain and stress the wounded have to go through. think about the suffering of the family and friends of the killed. just take a minute to think about them.
my utmost condolence and prayer.
- Killing is not a sin, it depends on the motivation.
- Living is not that important, death is kind of freedom and salvation to some people. And some of them don't have the courage to cross the line, so to kill them is to save them.
- I and we are good, you and they are bad, that's the nature of human being.
nothing is inherently independent.The VT tragedy is not a single instance. To me the most imperative issue it reflects is neither the racial division nor the gun control, but the increasing prevalence and degree of depression, anger, and loneliness in the contemporary society, as well as the lack of efficient devices to get over them. The loss of mental health and stability is not a problem unique to Cho. Most of us do experience momental psychological/mental problems (to a much lesser degree), one way or another. Fortunately most of us are able to walk out and embrace the brighter sides of life, or the problems just dissipate themselves. For him the pain was prolonged, worsened, and then, reaching the extreme, it exploded in a horrible way. Perhaps he and the society should share the blame, but there's not much point blaming anything. The massacre is a tragedy, Cho is a tragedy. It is a warning to all of us how important it is to take care of our minds and hearts, and at the same time not overlook others' suffering. Remember, there could be many others undergoing the similar pain that Cho had. Gun control won't eradicate it. Racial disputes won't either. But hopefully, compassion, care, and understanding will.
maybe he is a miserable psycho, but not every killer is. When killing doesn't depend on anger, depression, loneliness or anything else "negative", but is pure, it is a righteous thing. "natural born killer" said sth indeed.
i dont think killing is ever a righteous thing. no one has any right to take another life. cho's humanity has been bended and distorted, causing such a sad explosion. but those who have lost their humanity completely, such as the serial killers or the "naturally born killers", are truly sick and disturbing.
好了,暂撇去民族主义不谈,只说杀人这件事。OldIMP的留言都和他如何看待杀人有关。有这样两句话让我印象很深刻:Living is not that important, death is kind of freedom and salvation to some people. And some of them don't have the courage to cross the line, so to kill them is to save them.和When killing doesn't depend on anger, depression, loneliness or anything else "negative", but is pure, it is a righteous thing.
可事情并不这么简单。因为作为杀人的大规模、有组织的形式,有些战争并不是为了自己更好的生存而进行的,它们同样如同OldIMP所例举,更多的是因为anger, depression, loneliness的高级形式或者引申物,如征服欲(亚历山大大帝远征),支配欲(古中国打高丽),乃至什么“荣誉感”,忠孝仁义之类。这样的杀人,是善是恶?我觉得是恶。因为这种杀人是不必要的,就如同早已脱离游猎时代的人类仍旧保留的所谓“体育运动”打猎一样,纯粹是为了快感而杀戮。注意不是说他们能在杀戮中得到什么快感,而是说杀戮是他们实现快感的一个必要过程。就好像你问打猎者有趣在何处,他绝对不会告诉你看到猎物绝望的哀鸣,倒下,抽搐,流血就会觉得爽,而要说他们在搜寻、跟踪、埋伏、猎杀动物的过程中锻炼了体魄,发展了掌控局势、作出判断的能力,并且有征服自然的快感之类。可是,这些都是可以从其他不需要付出流血代价的游戏中得到的,为什么一定要杀生。实际上是杀人的过程让他们产生了满足感。所以为了欲望而进行不必要的杀人是恶的。这种恶并不是因为杀人,而是因为不必要。
判断是否必要的准则是,不杀人会不会对自己的生存产生可以预见的严重不良影响。所以正当防卫杀人不是恶的,屠杀犹太人是恶的。实际上OldIMP已经说了这个观点,即“Killing is not a sin, it depends on the motivation.”
即便我推断出了有些杀人不是恶的这个结论,我仍旧难以认同OldIMP “pure killing is righteous”的这一论述。在我看来,人杀人即便可以不恶,仍旧无法能够达到righteous的境界。因为人是没办法做出pure killing的,人杀人永远是受到欲望支使的。自然界从来没有过natural born killer,那部电影只是个(美好的?)幻想而已,即便其中作为natural born killer之暗喻的响尾蛇也不会无端地杀戮它见到的一切生物。真正的pure killing,只有自然本身能做到而已,如被雷劈死,才是最为righteous的杀人。